Sunday, January 10

WOW! it's been a while.

for anybody i haven't spoken with comprehensively in the past 3-4 months, here is clark and danielle's life, in bullets:

  • clark ran some 5ks (in october), hurt his foot, can't run anymore (for a while)
  • we got a dog--a stray--named her timber
  • we closed on our house beginning of november, didn't move in until end of december because
  • we dismembered the kitchen
  • house needs lots of work (unending, as far as we can tell...)
  • we got health insurance--woo hoo!
  • i began a CNA course in november, finished beginning december
  • CLARK FINISHED COLLEGE! (this has been a long time coming)
  • i finally enrolled in a human anatomy course, start monday (tomorrow)
  • some of our pipes froze/burst last night, flooded the garage
  • we are now back at clark's parents' house, for a few days
of course to go along with this bullet list, are all the bullet lists of those near and dear to us, all weaving and intertwining so that the world is a net, with plenty of good, but right now a lot of stressful bad. i told clark that it feels like the world is ending, but he assures me it is just life.

  • i just ate a whole bunch of whoppers malt balls, am wondering if they make minty malt balls because i think that would be quite tasty


Babione 6 said...

Congrats to you both for your school work!

And I really want to come see this house!!!


R.C. said...

Wow. Go figure that my wife would comment when I wanted to comment, as well. Sounds like you guys need some life insurance. :) I know a guy...